
  • Dandayamana Dhanurasana - Standing bow

    Dandayamana Dhanurasana
    Standing bow:

    Increases the flow of blood to the heart and lungs, improves the flexibility of the spine and strengthens the leg muscles.
  • Urdhva-Mukha-Shavasana - Upward-facing dog

    Upward-facing dog:

    Strengthens the spine, the back and arm muscles, improves blood circulation around the pelvis.
  • Bakasana - Crane


    Strengthens the arm and abdominal muscles. Develops courage and balance.
  • Virabhadrasana III - Warrior III

    Virabhadrasana III
    Warrior III:

    Strengthens abdominal organs and the leg muscles. Improves the balance, equilibrium and strength.
  • Utthita-Hasta- Padangusthasana - Extended hand to toe pose

    Extended hand to toe pose:

    Strengthens kidneys, the perineum, the abdomen and the legs. This balance pose also helps to develop a feeling of being anchored and mentally balanced.
  • Garudasana - Eagle


    Eliminates stiffness in the shoulders, strengthens leg and thigh muscles. Eases leg cramps.
  • Virabhadrasana II - Warrior II

    Virabhadrasana II
    Warrior II:

    Develops strength and endurance, relieves tension in the shoulders and the neck. Improves flexibility in the knee and hip joints and strengthens the leg muscles.
  • Adho-Mukha-Shavasana - Downward-facing dog

    Downward-facing dog:

    liminates tiredness and invigorates. Relieves stiffness in the shoulders, strengthens the ankles and arms. Tones the legs.
  • Ushtrasana - Camel


    Strengthens the spine. Corrects the posture of the shoulders.
  • Utthita Trikonasana - Streched triangle

    Utthita Trikonasana
    Streched triangle:

    Eases back and neck pain. Tones legs and strengthens ankles and leg muscles.